Scenario-Based Training for Working Dogs
It’s an open invitation.
Any individual with a trained protection dog or police K9 handler is welcome. Bring your dog (duh!)
Currently we are meeting at the Rivertown Mall in Grandville near the entrance to the Movie Theater / Yonkers.
Every Wednesday from 5-7pm.
Bring your dog and prepare for battle. (kidding, sorta).
Once we meet up we will pick the scenarios we are doing that week, we will start rotating dogs through these scenarios. Every dog is different so we have a variety of scenarios based on the dogs current abilities.

What does it cost?
Protection Dog - $50 per session
Police K9 - Free
Non-Participant - Free
My dog was trained in protection by someone else, can I still come?
Of course you can.
I want to participate but my dog isn’t trained in protection, can I come?
The answer is probably yes, but please contact us first.
Are there limitations to the number of people/dogs attending?
We are going to limit it to 5 dogs per session to start. This will allow us to do a few different scenarios while rotating dogs to give them breaks, all in a 2-hr window.