LAST UPDATED - 11/12/2024


-I got my first two puppies (German Shepherds) back in 2013. It was a trial by fire, and at the time, I had no idea what to do, or how to work or train my puppies. Fast forward to 2015, I started working dogs in all aspects of training. I had a former Military Police K9 Handler mentor me. I knew early on that someday I would want to start my own business. After five years and roughly 700 dogs later, I began a new journey with my own business, and this was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

-I have trained and sold nine dual purpose dogs for Police Departments throughout the United States, including Michigan, Indiana, & Georgia. I have trained another twenty-two Family Protection Dogs for families across the United States. I love working with high drive dogs and problem-solving issues with them. If you have a high drive dog — I’m your guy!

-I enjoy all dog breeds, but have a lot more experience with working line breeds (German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois & Dutch Shepherds). I’ve trained working dogs that were sold to the US Government, and various Police Departments throughout the country.

-I firmly believe the dog training industry is ever-evolving, and to anyone who gets complacent as a trainer will get left behind.


-Yes. We are insured with Kennel Pro. This coverage extends to your dog while in my care or for dogs that stay overnight in the Board & Train Program,


-anywhere on Earth, but most of the time its just cities in and outside of Grand Rapids, MI. That said — we will go anywhere we are required. California, Washington, Florida, Illinois, Canada, just a a few places we have operated in.


-For One on One Training our price is fixed at $225 per session within 30 miles. Outside the 30 miles adds additional costs for travel time, fuel, etc. If you live in another State (or Canada), please reach out for an estimate (weekend training-trips available at double rate, paid up front).


-Our training is based on proven techniques dating back to the 1890’s. We use a combination of Classical and Operant-Conditioning to teach and modify behaviors. We believe using all four quadrants of Operant-Conditioning (positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment) are a crucial component to any dogs training. The majority of training involves positive reinforcement (this doesnt mean using treats or bribes to accomplish our goals).

-Integrated with Operant-Conditioning, my preferred method of training is using a clicker to mark desirable behaviors. Clickers are cheap, easy-to-use, efficient, and effective. I used to purchase them through the local pet supply store, but in 2023, they stopped producing them, so we found a highly durable clicker that beats them all on amazon.


-There are many variables that play into this and I’ll try to break them down best I can. Positive Reinforcement is used by almost all trainers, non-trainers, pet-owners, etc. It is a very effective method to teach behaviors to your dog. I use positive reinforcement 75-85% of the time. For teaching behaviors, positive reinforcement reigns king. However, if you are experiencing aggressive behaviors with your dog (and depending on the type of aggression), you can pretty much forget about using a pure 100% positive reinforcement approach. Even for basic obedience, using a pure 100% positive reinforcement approach will only get you so far with training. At some point you have to stop bribing your dog and request they listen via respect. In these scenarios, you need to utilize other tools in your belt to best attack the issue at hand. Some people have a problem with saying “no” to their dogs. They dont set any boundaries with their pets and then when the pet dominates them and runs the house they get frustrated and wonder why. Boundaries are healthy, but its difficult to set boundaries with a dog when you are bribing or “just ignoring” them. Ignoring a dog is not a big deal to a dog. They get distracted way too easily for them to care if they are being ignored. This is where a positive punishment or negative reinforcement reigns king as its much easier, faster, and more efficient approach to fixing the problem. If you think all forms of operant condition besides positive reinforcement are mean and cruel, then I would challenge you to watch how other animals interact with each other. They use all four quadrants of operant conditioning, same as us. Go watch YouTube of mama dog 5 weeks into the litters development and watch her set boundaries with a puppy that feeds too hard from her. Its normal and healthy behaviors that we can correlate into positive forms of training to let our dogs be the best possible version of themselves while still setting boundaries and being a strong leader.


-Absolutely, it is my favorite type of K9 Training. If you are interested in this, just know that a thorough evaluation is required before this can happen. Give us a holler if this interests you.


-We take all forms of payment including - Checks (preferred), Venmo (owned by PayPal), Cash, Debit Card, Credit Card (Mastercard, VISA, Discover, AMEX), ApplePay, GooglePay, PayPal, and Wire Transfer. We have been known to barter services as well (each situation is different, so please reach out if this interests you).


-No. You’re best bet is to reach out to Paws with A Cause. They are a reputable non-profit dog training organization that can help with service dog needs. Last I heard, the wait time was 24-36 months (during COVID).


-I have no plans, now or ever, to train therapy dogs or emotional support animals.


-For the first three years of business from August 2019 to August 2022, I ran the business out of my home in Grandville. We were fortunate enough to find a new home on 20 acres in Sparta, MI. Currently the facility is a 32 x 48 x 13 Pole Barn, which I renovated for all the training needs. The initial distraction-free training starts here, but as we get more complex, we need to move outside the training room to ensure the dog can handle distracting-environements while still retaining obedience. I strongly believe in order to achieve realistic results that you must expose the dog to a wide variety of environments, and not just train in a one room facility/kennel.

-There is an attached 2250sq ft. of 6’ tall heavy duty commercial grade black chain-link fence installed next to the facility for play time and potty breaks.

-Our home is roughly 100’ away from the facility and within ear and eye sight for any and all needs.

-I do not have kennels, and while some view that is a disadvantage, I think its actually better for the dogs experience. Let me explain - if you have ever been to a kennel facility and been in the actual kennel area, then you’ll know how messy and disgusting some kennels are. How large are these kennels? Are the dogs sleeping on the kennel floor or does that kennel have enough room for a raised bed? If your dog is in a kennel with nobody with them at night, and they need to use the bathroom, who is going to let them out? The answer is - nobody. The dog will be forced to urinate/defecate in their kennel, thus sleeping in feces all night long. At my property, I’m always nearby ready to help if they need me.


Sparta Location (current)

We have taken great lengths to ensure a secure environment, including the following where the dogs train/sleep — 2” closed cell spray foam insulation, 1/2” Fire-X Drywall, Double-Digit Security Camera’s throughout property, new exterior doors with electronic locks, new windows (2022), monitored smoke and carbon monoxide detection, 6’ tall 8gauge Black Chainlink Fence (commercial grade), Dig Defense Animal Control Underground Barrier 18” Deep (physical), all doors are dead-bolted 24/7, our entry/exit gate is double latched with flip-up stoppers.

In December 2024, we added the Houdini-Proof Curved Dog Arm to our existing commercial outdoor fence. This prevents dogs from climbing over the fence. With all of our fence upgrades, we now have 9.5’ of physical fence in any part of the yard - should be plenty of fence to stop your dog from digging or scaling the fence.

Grandville Location (past)

We have made many upgrades to the property to better house the dogs that come for training. In 2019, we added fire monitoring services. In 2020, we installed security cameras covering all the important parts of the property where the dogs are. Most recently, we partnered with a local fabricator to build a new gate between the house and the garage. It’s made of solid steel and is dog-proof (a word not easily thrown around). We have a 6’ white vinyl fence surrounding the backyard, and electronic keycard access to all doors.



-Starting in 2024, we are offering boarding to anybody (you do not have to train with us). However, as a small business, we do not have the capacity to take on ultra-aggressive dogs. Meaning, if you want boarding, you MUST have a social dog. It is just not worth the money to have an aggressive dog that goes out with other dogs. We offer boarding to our clients that have done training with us in either the Board & Train or the One on One program. The daily rate for boarding is $40. While $40 is not the cheapest in the surrounding area - remember this. I run my business out of my property, meaning, your dog will live with me, interact with me in my daily routine. Any ‘boarding facility’ will let your dog out maybe twice per day to go potty. When your dog boards with me, it gets to hangout with me and any social dog(s) all day long. Don’t let these “kennels” fool you, $40 per day for boarding with me is a steal of a deal!


-Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It is not my ‘go-to’ approach with training and if a trainer tells you, you need to purchase an eCollar before they even meet your dog - I’d be suspicious. (There is a local ‘franchised’ trainer that uses e-Collars for literally everything, I find that completely wrong). I find you can accomplish much better training with treats and food, rather than forcing behavior. There is much debate about the ethics of e-collars. I say this, “there is a right and a wrong way to use an e-collar. Not all eCollars are the same. A $50 Amazon eCollar special is going to most likely hurt the dog (literally/seriously). Nothing in the dog world is cheap - you get what you pay for. If you are going to buy one, only purchase the Dogtra 1900S/1902S (for Dogs 70lbs+) ARC (for 25-75lb dogs) or 280C (for smaller sized dogs). Yep, they are definitely more expensive than 99% of the other brands, but they are worth their weight in gold”.



-We offer 10% discount on all services to First Responders including - Military (Active or Veteran), Police, Fire, EMT, & Dispatchers. Please let us know at time of checkout, or we will assume you’re not a first reponder.



-No. They are puppy mills. Seriously. Run Away.


Before I can answer that, lets talk about a few things.

First, are you going to buy a “mut” from the shelter or from a “breeder”. I use quotes because I’ve seen some absolute garbage blood lines come from “breeders” who claim they have “world-class dogs”. I’ve also seen some of the most talented, driven, smart dogs from shelters/rescues. Not saying that is the case every time, but the number of quality breeders in the state of Michigan is small. Very Small. Please read the next bit of info, and trust that it is correct, honest, and accurate.

A few RED FLAGS you should be aware of - If your breeder says their dogs father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather (blah blah blah) was a world champion, be extremely suspicious. World Champ of what? Most “world champion” dogs are show line dogs. The number of people who own a puppy from a “World Champion” is outrageously huge. How many world champions can there possibly be? If there are so many World Champions out there, how hard can it really be to get that title? If a breeder is ‘wooing’ you with these titles, I’d be a little suspicious. Also, if a breeder says they are AKC certifidied, don’t let that ‘woo’ you either. AKC registrations don’t speak to quality of the dog. All it means is that you can track the dogs lineage.

There are local breeders in the Grand Rapids area that claim they produce “top quality”, when in reality, the dogs look pretty, but are riddled with bad genes. Some of them are puppy mills. Frankly, if you see a “breeder” who has 10+ females that they breed, that should be a red flag for you to run the other direction. There is a specific “breeder” I am talking about that has 30+ female German Shepherd Dogs they breed. 30! That is completely unacceptable and that company should be shut down permanently and the owners imprisoned.

In regards to a breeder (who is recognized by fellow trainers and other breeders that produce quality lines), I would say between $1K and 2K is an acceptable amount of money to spend. Personally, I would never pay more than $2K for a puppy. I have yet to see a puppy (8 weeks of age) worth more than that no matter the blood lines. Know this - when you buy from a breeder who has done the OFA screen (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals), on their hips/elbows, you are most likely buying from somebody who knows what they are doing, and is reputable. That being said - sometimes you can take the best Stud dog, and the best Bitch, breed them and get sub-par puppies. It happens.

If you need a puppy (specifically German Shepherds or any working line dog), please give me a call. It costs absolutely nothing to talk with me about who you want to buy your dog from. I know many of the breeders, and have experience training many of their dogs. For a very small fee ($50) I will even come out with you to the breeder and evaluate the puppy and tell you what I think. I will give you 100% accurate, honest information. Guaranteed.


-First, you need to understand that a very, very, extremely small percentage of specific bred dogs have the ability to be a true “protection dog”. How do you describe a protection dog? One that looks scary? One that barks loudly? Maybe both? The truth is - if you want true peace of mind knowing your K9 partner is going to go to bat for you when sh*t hits the fan, you need a highly specialized warrior on your side. What does this mean? It means that your standard/generic “aggressive dog” isn’t going to cut it. The truth is - your pet dog who hasn’t been trained to properly bite is probably going to peace out when an intruder puts even a small amount of pressure on your dog. So what does this mean? It means if you haven’t practiced before the game, chances are things aren’t going to go well for you. Do professional athletes practice six to seven days a week? Yes (obviously). So if you agree that practice makes perfect, why would you expect your pet-dog to protect you if you’ve never practiced what happens when its real life? The answer - you’re setting your dog and yourself up for failure - it’s a false sense of security.

If you feel you’re life is in danger. If you feel you need a partner you can trust unequivocally, and still have fun with them, still have guests over without the stress of thinking your dog will just bite a random person, we should talk. 


-First, you need to understand that in the dog industry, you absolutely get what you pay for (sorry no shortcuts here). I’ll be the first to admit that if I can save a few bucks by purchasing through Amazon, I’ll do it. However, I have found out the hard way that Amazon carries mostly cheap and poorly manufactured dog products. There are a few companies I would personally recommend, and I’ll list them below. Before we get into that, just know that I am a living repository for information on dog gear. If you are thinking about purchasing a leash, collar, training collar, eCollar, vest/harness, food/water bowls, toys, crates, food types, (etc.), please feel free to call/text me. I promise I will give you a no BS answer on what is quality and what to stay away from. Seriously, this isn’t a sponsored post, I’m not getting kickbacks from any of the companies I recommend. I use their products because they have proven themselves to work exceptionally well and last through the test of time. Here we go.

Dog Crates - Stay away from wire crates (they suck).
Entry Level - Most local pet supply stores carry ‘clamshell’ style crates. Its two pieces of plastic held together by machine screws and swivels. Decent quality (much better than wire crates), and most are airline approved for travel in the United States of ‘Merica.

Middle of the Pack - Ruffland Kennels. This is the type of crate I personally use. These are made through a similar process as YETI/Pelican/RTIC Coolers. It is a solid piece of Rotomolding Plastic (Rotomold), with a solid detachable ‘no bite grid pattern design’ door. They have plenty of air vents, and they have a raised floor interior that allows liquids to fall to the side and are channeled away keeping your dog dry. The best part? If you travel, they are 100% rattle free. If you have ever traveled with a dog in a cheap crate you know exactly what I’m talking about. Lastly, it has additional optional accessories to help secure it in a vehicle, securing multiple Ruffland kennels in a row, stacking the crates together securely, While these are not indestructible, they do hold up well and will suit 95% of dogs (regardless of the breed).

Cream of the Crop - Impact Dog Crates or TNC Crates. While these crates are made of Aluminum and are collapsible (like the wire crates), you will pay through the nose for them. OK so I’m going to contradict myself a bit. Yes, you get what you pay for with dog equipment, but you need to understand that a very small, tiny, minuscule percentage of dogs need this level of security in a dog crate. That being said - these crates are the bees knees - And as of September 2022, I bought the OD Green collapsable 40” version! It’s stupid expensive at $1000.00, but as I always say “you get what you pay for”.


-Honestly, its really difficult to fix (even in a board and train) to the point where its a non-issue for everyday life (especially without medication). Starting in 2023, we are no longer taking on dogs in the Board & Train program for problem-fixing separation anxiety. We have tried hundreds of times, every conceivable approach/method/style/idea you name it and we’ve probably tried it. Since we have not found a dependable approach to this, we have decided to stop incorporating it as an option for training going forward. If this is your main issue, there are other trainers in the area that offer help with it and best of luck to you, you’ll need it.


-In 2023, we introduced a new program for aggressive dogs. The program focuses around using an eCollar as a daily or near-daily tool to assist with your particularly difficult dog. Meaning, to control your bonkers dog, we will require the use of a Dogtra eCollar (provided by GRK9 as part of the package). We still apply our same principles of training (85% positive re-enforcment, 10% positive punishment, and 5% negative punishment) and of course LIMA (least-impactful-method-approach), however the premise of the program is to ease the stress of some owners whose dogs are truly too-smart-for-their-own-good and/or too short tempered to handle public places and/or social situations both inside and outside the house.

-Other than this program, we are not in the business of fixing worst case scenarios. We are a small business with one fenced in yard. We dont have multiple training rooms or high-risk kennels. We simply are not setup to handle ultra-aggressive dogs.

(LAST UPDATED - 11/12/24)